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Workers’ Rights, not for Sale! Rescind FSC certification in Military Junta-ruled Myanmar

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) exists to certify that products coming from the world's forests are produced responsibly. This means, among other things, that forestry workers are treated fairly. The FSC says that it "shall uphold the principles and rights at work as defined in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998) based on the eight ILO Core Labour Conventions."

The FSC will obviously not allow forestry products made in countries like Myanmar to be certified, right?

The military regime in that country has arrested over 26,000 dissidents and killed around 400 trade unionists.

But the FSC continues to certify products there as being "responsibly" made -- and compatible, somehow, with the ILO conventions.

When pushed by unions to explain this, the FSC said it was waiting for the publication of an ILO Commission of Inquiry report.

That report was published, but still the FSC continues to certify Myanmar's forestry products.

This is unacceptable.

The FSC has to hear the loud and clear voice of people everywhere demanding that they immediately stop certifying Myanmar's forestry products.

Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI), representing 12 million workers, has launched a major public campaign on LabourStart. Please take a moment to show your support and help us put pressure on the FSC.